The phoenix is a mythological bird that rises from its own ashes  “reborn” after death. It symbolizes rebirth, eternity & hope.

No matter in what calamity or annihilation it has been, the phoenix has the capability to rise from it and be the paragon of excellence, especially the one that has been renewed or restored.

Whom This Page Is For ?

We are building a community of CA Re-attempters, the students who are badly stuck in this never-ending loop of failures. Herein, this page is going to aid every such aspirant be it your 2nd attempt, 5th attempt or any xyz attempt.

Since, this page is going to bring together students who are sailing in the same boat, so, we are going to have each others back and the PUSH which is highly required.

“We don’t look at you in the condition that you are in rather, we look at you, with the untapped capabilities you possess.”

Why join this Community ?

Before answering that question, We want you to first check all boxes where your answer is YES !

  I think I’m intelligent enough, but I lack the desired motivation due to which I fall short of marks.

  There is no one to guide me in a clean, logical manner.

   There is no one with whom I can have discussions related to my course.

   I want to connect with students who clearly relate to me but have no community to look up to. Hence, there is a lack of relatability.

  I’m in search of a platform where I can share notes and ask questions.

  I always have this question in mind am I STUDYING THE RIGHT WAY? or am I JUST STUDYING?

What Are we going to do about it ?

We will be posting content about REBOUND methodologies, we will help you break your conventional study methods and will provide you with effective and logical study techniques that will leave you from the cycle of RE-ATTEMPTS.

On our Telegram &  WhatsApp groups we’ll be having discussions through webinars about your problems and questions and the mentors will be providing you ‘on time guidance’.

We deeply relate to your fear of failure. So will be able to act as your guiding light throughout your journey.

We will make sure that you are moving on the right track and are following smart methods of studying.

We are providing you with a ‘query solving platform’ where you will meet like-minded people.

We aim to conduct certain QUIZZES & TEST SERIES, to streamline your energy, to boost your confidence and to keep you on track.

“Just because you have failed in an exam does not makes you at all a loser”

Before you move ahead,

Let's face the facts

We will like to put it in a very logical perspective.
Just because you have lost in exams doesn't mean you've failed.

The reality is,

Let’s not count the number of hours you studied, rather, what really matters is. Did you study in these hours according to the standards set by ICAI?

If not, then you need to work on it.

Our purpose is to make you understand the deep-rooted reasons leading you to this point over and over again.

If you have started to relate,

You need to ensure that you follow our community to help yourself out of this agony forever.

Through the medium of this community we will try to provide you assistance by students and guidance from mentors who are willing to help you in all dimensions possible.

So, Help us build a strong community for those who are stuck in order to have a strong support group that understands us and can eventually lead us all out of the shackles.

At last you can also submit your problems in the form of articles so that we can post the most logical and genuine ones on our website and provide the needed support and guidance from mentors and students.

